Friday, 6 March 2009

Diss my Dissertation

Apparently, when people are doing essays their breaks consist of walking away from the computer for a second to get a snack, to go to the toilet blah blah....

When I take breaks, it consists of walking away from my laptop....and repeating the same actions towards the tube station, preferably backwards for added effect of total nonchalance as to who I bump into....much like The Verve video but better....
[I stole these pics off my friends as my camera is lost somewhere...or I just can't be bothered to look harder haha!]
Wednesday, March 5th : A friend's 21st meal

Kara's Brain: "Hmm....where's the pound saver menu???"


Hide stuff under tables and smile*private joke that is funnier than my dry captions*

The 21st hottie and the girls[dem]!

March 6th 'Ghana Independence' THURSDAY: 'Shopping' and dilly dallying in LDN

Hello Kitty x MAC Launch @ Selfridges...or Harrods....obviously, I weren't bothered where I was - I just wanted to get away from my laptop

Kara's Brain: "Hmmm... maybe if I get the angle right I think I should be able to land head first on the Hello Kitty x Mac stand....."

Hood and Proper x The Sweet and Colourful World of Me x Leopard Print and Lace

I remixed BlackStreet especially for this dude defacing the Hello Kitty brand: 'I like the way you work it - NO DIGNITY!" We all need to put food on our table somehow but DAMN!

The horse whisperer and biatch kassidy

My moustache brings all the boys to the yard!!

The Boneyard scene in the Lion King is a little further to the back of this pic

So that was my break - looks better than that boring leg stretch I usually do! I won't do it again though, too risky...I might just leave uni for good!

Oh and yes - it was Ghana 52nd Independence day on March 6th.....I completely forgot due to my essay stress and forgot to wear something in homage to my I'ma wear a kente hairclip tomorrow ...if I'm in the mood for hair sticking to my forehead under the spotlights at work!

And after the Ghana Ind. hype at Stratford Rex years ago [where my Mum made me a lovely dress amongst other big preparations and all my friends and family didn't get in but some Nigerian boys from uni did] I shall NEVER go to one ever in the UK. A HUGE HYPE! I will celebrate it IN Ghana from now on!!WOOOO!!!

*I am* Switching Celebrity Deathmatch off cos it's so dry and Proper


Super Noodle Rach said...

WOW kara this post is JOKES! you are one funny chica and the captions are too much ahahahah!! all of then the boneyards, the tash...ahh!

Kevin Lanre said...

LOL...Love the outfits, ladies.

Kara Sudoku-Mishap/Hood and Proper said...

G'yeeeaaaaah!LOL - thanx dudes!

Kara Sudoku-Mishap/Hood and Proper said...
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