Thursday, 11 February 2010

Exclusive: Rihanna 'Rude Boy' Video Premiere released IN FULL

rihanna rudeboy

I just watched the 'Rude Boy' video and to be honest, I actually really like the visuals [as you can see from the quick lil collage I did just to jazz up the post ;)]. That's it really. I don't like the song at all and I doubt I will watch the video again now that I've got my lil collage to look at LOL! Rihanna can't really dance so the director thought he would go all Andy Warhol on us and use Rihanna like a can of campbell's soup to create movement...

Director's thoughts: "DAYUUMMM!!!This chick can't dance-what am I gonna do...*lightbulb moment* all of her tall ass...copy...paste, paste, paste, paste, paste, paste, paste, invert colours, paste left, paste right, paste, paste, paste, flash images, flash, flash, DID work..."

PROS: Colours, tribal patterns :D, the Keith Haring doodles, cartoon cut-out graphics

CONS: When it switches to the monochrome Keith Haring inspired room....I don't like the contrast between green screen backgrounds to 'hot-minute-real-background'. I get the whole change of mood and all but it irks me.

Oh, and her 'dancing'.

There is no way I can paste this due to restrictions from VEVO [what tha HECK is that thing?!?!?!] it keeps being deleted so watch it now before it disappears again!!

*HoodandProper insists* Okay, no more Rihanna on here [and, hopefully, the radio] for a long time!

1 comment:

JF-Stylissimo said...

Hey my name is Rihanna and I think Im M.I.A... Thats how it looks like... I like the song tho:) so dont haaate haha. but she cant dance n the vid is quite boring...
Like the styling!

But Miss K, U know that we could do it better LOL ive seen fattys vid :P
