Tuesday, 9 June 2009

The "aside"....

Today is the day I actually get back to bidness. My blog has been so dead [lol, it's true!]. I have loads of stuff to say and do but I have not been able to write about it since I was in Portugal......then when I came back from what was THE BEST END OF UNI TRIP EVER, I open my laptop....and find a virus. Yes, a virus.
I have been without my laptop since then and today I was told that I should be getting it back. There's a lot of technical trash that I could bore you with but, to put it simply:
My hard drive is going to be wiped clean
I have to re-install ALLLLLLLLL my music software/ plug-ins etc
I will probably have to manually re-install ALL the instruments on EVERY FRIGGIN PIECE OF MUSIC I HAVE MADEon my laptop which is LONG!
[Kara lets go of hair.....and takes a deeeeeeep breath....aaahhhh]
So, I am using my Mum's DEAD laptop which works like a sloth so the next few posts should keep my idle hands entertained until it's time to pick up the lappytappy.....
I am going to work backwards.....starting with my uni prom....which happened in May [AHAHHAHAHA]
*I am* BACK ON THE SCENE, MA FAVOURITE COLOUR IS GREEN[it's actually blue] and Proper

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