Monday, 16 February 2009

Flashback: British R'n'B

Anyone who has had the privilege of living with me (haha) can tell you I spend an excessive amount of time on the Internet...okay, I admit it - I'm a YouTube fanatic... I can't help it!!! I remember being one of the first to find YouTube when I was in high school and encouraging (or educating) others on the good videos to watch videos in IT class. I knew it would come in handy one day....I do a YouTube chart for SuperSuper magazine now LOL!
A few weeks ago, I went through a high school phase where I watched YouTube videos from my SATS/GCSE days. If you remember the music around 1999-2004, then you will know some of it is quality stuff although, mostly cheesy! Anyway, MTV has started a 'Best of British' week and as I am on a holiday from Uni (or at least I think I am ...if not, I have upped my total of missed lectures) I enjoyed an afternoon watching British R'n'B that reminded me of school. Most of it was from this era because British R'n'B was 'cool' back then.

Here are some that I thought might trigger some memories...

Note: One thing I noticed was that some of these videos had a better budget than the BUDGET channel U type videos that are churned out every milli-second....

*I am*: Hood and bubblin'

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