Wednesday, 13 May 2009

NERD: Hey there...can you help me please...

Here's a lil of the NERD that I liked from the first album....this is off the top of my dome because I cannot remember where I put the actual CD [dahwell!].

Oh yeah some of the tracks off this album were remixed or altered weren't they......because the kicks'n'snares kept changing from acoustic to really annoyed me coz when I used to say that some people told me I was chattin' crap.....I wasn't though.....was I....? I'm sure 'Provider' has many faces....

The end of this video is too cheesy and it always seemed as if Pharrell was airbrushed into a Chinese dude when he's with the kids.....strange....

I love the dudes singing 'Hi-hi-high' in the background....I can't remember what band it was but I love the way their adlibs add a 70's feel to it......kinda like Chicago....


Thealexander said...

'Run to the Sun' is such an underrated classic, that was actually a really good album as well

Anonymous said...

i love Run to the sun and Bobby James!!!

oh kara i gave u an award check it out!!